Prof. Steve Mann awarded the IEEE Consumer Electronics Award 2025:
and has been asked by IEEE to organize a panel on the future of Wearable AI (XR = AR + VR + PR + DR +... + Metaverse + Spatial Computing + IoT +...)

(link to PDF)

Solstice Symposium at the Swimdock (Walter Kehm Swimdock), by Ontario Place Trillium Park entrance.

Invention of HDR and photocell experiment.

CEMENT = Computer Enhanced Multiple Exposure Numerical Technique

AWE XR Hall of Fame

CNN Decoded: Decoding the world of wearable technology

Dangerous Development: 'Boulder beaches' are unsafe and bad for us and our environment - Spacing Toronto

Smart paddleboard and other assistive veyances DOI 10.1109/CBS55922.2023.10115303

"Hackathoff" (inverse hackathon) Feb. 17-24

We're going to have some fun over reading week hacking brainwaves, robotics, sleep, mindfulness, and tech to help those on the spectrum, and we'll publish our results in the inaugural issue of the new peer-reviewed journal for extended reality and spatial computing in health and health care.

It will be a kind of inverse-hackathon, i.e. not corporate-driven like most hackathons, but instead humanity-driven, and we'll do publications rather than prizes, i.e. the "hack" will be to write a journal article in the leading journal of XR (eXtended Reality) and spatial computing for the inaugural issue (already invited to write the article); getting something published has far more impact than a little corporate-sponsored prize.

It is a coopetition rather than a competition, i.e. we work together to create mindfulness with motors and mechatronics, and the world's most advanced brain-computer interface with the world's brightest thought leaders and experts on XR / XV (eXtended metaVerse).

Saturday Feb. 17 at 2pm you might like to join us for our social get-together and open-mic, each to introduce ourselves to the others at the Swimdock, and some of us will go for a dip in the lake, and swim over to the Swimdock and jump off the dock. See

Bring your friends, especially anyone who's a natural-born "maker" with lots of experience making and building things, as it is an opportunity to meet other like-skilled makers.

Sunday we'll get together the more experienced "makers" to prepare things and set the stage for others to join.

Emily, Shivanshi, and Mete will also give a tutorial and demonstration on how to SWIM out EEG (brainwaves) which, together with the Odrive, will form the basis of the mindfulness and biofeedback.

Please be sure to read this paper,
and also read up on ODrive, as well as bring your SWIM if you've done the Instructable already.

Polar Plunge, paddleboarding, and social "open mic" Sat. Feb. 17th

Polar plunge and "dragonboating" on a giant stand-up paddleboard, Saturday February 17th at 2pm. Meet at the Swimdock and the three unisex washrooms/changerooms at the entrance to Trillium Park, Ontario Place.

Polar Plunge on New Years Day, January 1st, at 12noon...

See also our Facebook event.

Virtual / eXtended / Augmented Reality Activism Illuminates Ontario Place for Winter Solstice on December 21st:
Facebook event

Check out the Proceedings of our Mersivity / WaterHCI Symposium available on DOI: (link)

Mersivity 2023 Symposium

Thurs. Dec. 14th, University of Toronto, MC102

Waterhci / Mersivity 2023 Summer Symposium was held Tues. Aug. 15th, at Michael Hough Beach (formerly Lakeshore Beach), Ontario Place West Island (link).

Steve Mann running for Toronto mayor...
Beyond Metaverse... IEEE Consumer Electronics Society, Call for Papers

Join us for the Mayoral Candidate's Debate at Micheal Hough beach, Toronto's cleanest beach under threat of privatized development...

Facebook,, blogTO

Petition to save downtown Toronto's only beach which is also Toronto's cleanest beach:

Why we swim:

Proceedings of the International Conference on Cyborgs in Ethics, Law, and Art

December 14-15th, 2021


Link to conference proceedings PDF, 108 pages, approx. 10 megabytes (10444390 bytes exactly) ...

Excerpt: Intro + Can Humans Being Machines Make Machines Be Human?

Excerpt without intro pages

Proceedings of the 24th annual Water-Human-Computer Interface DECONference

March 30th, 2022

Link to WaterHCI-2022 (de)conference proceedings PDF...

WaterHCI website:

See also last year's WaterHCI (de)conference proceedings.

Related courses at University of Toronto:

ECE1724: Superhumachines: Making cyborg technologies for super-human-machine intelligence.

ECE516: Intelligent Image Processing (link)

Research opportunities in cyborg technologies:

MannLab is always looking for students who have innate hands-on inventorship skills, especially those who have been making things since childhood.

Advanced makers: "jam" with us!

Beginners or novice makers: we offer the meta-mentorship program.

MannLab student mentorship examples:


45 years of wearable augmented reality computing: WearTechTM since 1974.

ECE516 course: Register now!

You might also like to register in my other course, Inventrepreneurship (Invention + Entrepreneurship), APS1041.

Mentorship opportunities for talented individuals:

WearTechTM, WearCompTM, WearCommTM, and WearCamTM (Wearable Technologies, Computation, Communication, and Sensing) research, consulting, public speaking, inventing, products, and philosophy. WearTech is one of four main research thrusts, together with: Sousveillance; Suicurity; and Humanistic Intelligence.

VRTO2016, Virtual and Augmented Reality 2016 Keynote

Here is a link to the Conference Proceedings.
(Also, here is a link to the Intro text.)

CVPR 2016 Workshop on "Moving Cameras Meet Video Surveillance: from Body Cameras to Drones"; see also workshop website.

Imprint invisible sound and radio waves onto your retina: Augmented reality with perfect alignment

"Phenomenal Augmented Reality" is a featured Instructables article now. They sent me a message: "Being featured means we think you are awesome."

ECE516 (ECE516H1S): Wearable Computing, IoT (Internet of Things), and AR (Augmediated Reality) Glass

The Birth of Wearable Computing: 42 years of Augmented Reality. (Left-to-right): Steve Mann, age 12, Sequential Wave Imprinting Machine (
SWIM) in 1974; Stephanie Mann, Age 9, Robot for visualizing ElectroMagnetic Wave Propagation; Jayse Hansen, Hollywood's #1 UI designer (now a Meta employee) with Meta Glass; Metasensing (visualizing vision and sensing sensors and their capacity to sense).

ECE516 is based on mathematical frameworks that use Integral Kinematics and Integral Kinesiology and the time-integral of distance: Absement (Absition)

PHENOMENAugmented Reality, IEEE Consumer Electronics, Volume4, Number 4, October 2015:

A.I. is a half-truth without H.I.!

POVAR and other examples of the Internet of Truth and Integrity for Consumer Electronics: See the invisible waves that see you!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015
6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Location: Room WI1017, Wilson Hall, New College
40 Willcocks St, Toronto, ON M5S

Steve Mann: 41 Years of Wearable Augmented Reality as a Natural User Interface: The Past, Present, and Future of Phenomenal Augmented Reality

2015-10-27 12:30 at MaRS

Join Marvin Minsky, Neil Harbisson, Nahum Gershon, myself, and many others at IEEE GEM2015, October 14-16, and hold in your hand 41 years of Augmented Reality history: we'll be doing AR portraits like this you can take with you to share with your friends:


Capturing the Future

Wearable Cameras, Lifelogging, Sousveillance, Bionic Eye Implants, Drones, 360-degree cameras & 3D scanning

Wednesday, September 9, 2015
6:30 PM to 10:00 PM
MaRS Discovery District
101 College St, , Toronto, ON (map)
"As far back as our cave dwelling days we have been compelled to document and tell the stories of our lives. We have come a long way since chiseling pictures on rocks with nearly 2 billion of us walking around with cameras in our pockets but new technologies such as wearables and drones are taking us even further...."

Call for Papers: Veillance and Transparency (Local cache here, eyetap cache here, and PDF)

Egography: Wearable Augmented Ego-vision for Everyday Experience

... Egocentric (First-person) Vision, Steve Mann, Kris M. Kitani, Yong Jae Lee, M. S. Ryoo, Alireza Fathi

Wearable Computing with 3D Augmediated Reality, Digital Eye Glass, Egography (Egocentric/First-Person Photographic/Videographic Gesture Sensing), and Veillance
Download the PDF, 4-page paper by Steve Mann, Steve Feiner, Stefano Baldassi, Soren Harner, Jayes Hansen, and Ryan Janzen

Wearables + IoT = Veillance = SMARTWORLDs = Workshop at Stanford 2015 Jan 16:

Spaceglasses are the ultimate meta-sensor == a sensor that can sense sensing itself. More generally, Meta can function as the device of devices, by being your plenary form of interaction with the "SMARTWORLD"... more detailed description.....

(Visualizing Vision, Seeing Sight, and Sensing Sensing with the Meta Spaceglass)

"Clearly the best business school on the planet! "Where Brilliant Minds Meet The Pavement" #UofT"

Joseph Melanson 2015mar04



Talk slides, etc.

Keynote Address at the FITC (Future, Innovation, Technology, Creativity) Wearables, 2014 November 13th at 10:10am, GLENN GOULD STUDIO, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

History and Future of AR Vision: The 35 year convergence of wearable cameras, wearable computers, and wearable displays into the "Digital Eye Glass"

(above: 1978-1980 and now)

Meta Digital Eye Glass which has some features of Generation-5 DEG:

IEEE ISTAS 2013 = International Symposium on Technology and Society:

Sousveillance, corbettreport

The IEEE Spectrum article on Wearable Computing.

Using Sousveillance to Defend the Commons, by David Bollier, Wed, 06/25/2008 - 23:00

Wearable Computing and Interaction Design (EyeTap Digital Eye Glass, etc.)

"Through the Glass": IEEE Technology and Society, Vol 32, No. 3

Equiveillance versus McVeillance

The Waterlution Toronto Hub

Upcoming Competition "Artful Waters: Igniting Creativity for Change", April 30 Deadline

Are you a composer in Canada or Abroad?

Deadline for submissions is April 30, 2012.(link)

If you want things organized, don't read this page. Instead visit, or the Web 3.0 page (cyborgspace).

'Sousveillance', In Los Angeles Since The LA Riots

OCAD sur/sousveillance sur/sousvey

Passenger acquitted, refused to show ID and videotaped the incident at an airport security checkpoint.

Art Prof Lets World Peer Through His Surgically Embedded 3rd Eye.

Here Comes the Wetware.

To see presentation on sousveillance at DIY Citizenship conference, scroll ahead to
27:00 (and watch to about 50:00) and then scroll ahead to 1:36 (and watch to about 2:05) at this link.

Tell the Government to Say Cheese

Singularity Summit:

Here's some interesting talks on sousveillance:

Pay to Sit, also on vimeo.>7 Curious Experimental Music Projects

CBC GO! Owen Pallett and Musical Instrument Madness

Hydraulophone, balnaphone, etc., featured on Soundbuilders; also here's a piece not used in the Program.

Aquatune hydraulophone

ORGANic Evolution

See The Toronto Star, Thursday, March 11, 2010,

H2Orchestra performing for National Capital Commission, Ottawa from Steve Mann on Vimeo.

H2Orchestra Performing for National Capital Commission in Ottawa - More amazing video clips are a click away

Vote for the use of hydraulophones to provide clean drinking water Chris Willmer's proposal to use hydraulophones for water filtration...

hydraulophone in trendhunter

Hydraulophone listed as one of the top 10 musical instruments....


...Interactive Musical Attractions.

Hydraulophone & Glass Armonica

Aquatune Hydraulophone manufactured by WhiteWater West (licensee hydraulophone invention)

Vote for hydraulophone which was nominated for Smithsonian Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum, PEOPLE'S DESIGN AWARD

Musical Water Instruments H2Orchestra playing at LiveH2O

Invited hydraulophone lecture at Queen's University:

bemes; The Terasem Movement 4th Colloquium on the Law of Futuristic Persons; blog

Obama for Sousveillance

Community Sousveillance and "sousveillance officers".

Sousveillance means we watch the watchers.

Peter Gabriel sousveillance


Robert Thill's article on Prior Art exhibit at Gallery TPW, etc.

FL_UI_D Lab.

Freely    |  Limitless  |        |             |  Device(s)
Fluidly   |  Liquid     |  User  |  Interface  |  Design(s)
Flexible  |  Lifelong   |  ----  |  ---------  |  Definition(s)
Fun       |  Lossless   |        |             |  Description(s)

lifeboat foundation

CNIB hydraulophone

888torontomeetup, as seen on glogger.

889: Second day of the 888TorontoMeetup, as seen on glogger.

S. Mann, R. Janzen, C. Aimone, and others will be performing on hydraulophone at Harbourfront in June:

We're (LUMINAT'EAU CARNIVAL H2O, June 14th and 15th) listed as number 1 on the Scotiabank Caribana Festival 2008 summer program schedule.


hydraulophone article

H2Orchestra played again at Brampton Independent Arts Festival (BIAF) Friday, 2008 February 15th

picture by Marc De Mouy

Waterflute (hydraulophone) played by H2Orchestra members R. Janzen and S. Mann

View Steve Mann's LinkedIn profileView Steve Mann's profile

Hydraulophones featured in WaterShapes, Volume 10, No 2, 2008 February


New Year's Tears... Like glass armonica

H2Orchestra will be playing in Toronto, at the Music Gallery, on Earth Day, Tuesday 2008 April 22. See

Knox College Christmas Sing

Wednesday December 5, 2007
Knox College Chapel
Hydraulophone performance in Dundas Square as part of Car Free Day:

Immersed Music was the theme of ICMC 2007, which included concerts at the DGI-byen "Vandkulturhuset" swim center.

Here are some pictures from ICMC 2007:

Solid Liquid Gas Plasma Informatics
Cymbal H'phone Organflute Plasmaphone Synthesizer
("Earth") ("Water") ("Air") ("Fire") ("Idea")

These five states-of-matter correspond to the five Classical Greek Elements:
Earth, Water, Air, Fire, and Idea ("Quintessence" meaning "fifth" element which we realized using Thought Technology EEG instruments). Immersed Music concerts explored the immersion of these five elements in both water and air:

Solid, Liquid, Gas Plasma Informatics
Guitar, H'phone, Flute; Plasmaphone; Synth/EEG
("Earth", "Water", "Air"); ("Fire"); ("Idea");

Other upcoming concerts featuring hydraulist Ryan Janzen:

Pedestrian Sunday in Baldwin Village - Sunday, September 16th!

car-free street festival, Baldwin Street between Beverly and McCaul Streets.

The theme for this final event of the summer in Baldwin Village is `Tomorrow'. "What do you see for Baldwin Village in the future? Given the huge arts community we hope to come up with a fun, futuristic vision for the street. Visionaries welcome!"

· Gypsy Rebels - Authentic Gypsy Music · Richard Underhill - Juno Award Winning Jazz Great · Steve Mann Ensemble - International Hydraulophonist, Musical instrument using pressurized water · irieband - Spirited Reggae Band · Mz. Mosea and Band - Dynamic Soulful Singer · Max Woolver Blues Band - Grassroots · Chris Bezant & Craig Saltz Duo - Gypsy Jazz-Django Reinhardt Style · Usmic Music - Yoshi & Chie Yamano - Guitar, Digeridoo, Sitar, Vocals · Jim Reid - Guitar and Vocals · Ardene Shapiro - Guitar and Vocals ... and many more Guest Artists · Community Think Tank - What's your vision for the future of Baldwin Village ? ...with Michael J. · Baldwin Village Film Fest - Free Movies on the Street. Bring blankets and pillows ...we'll supply movies & popcorn · Children's Events :) - games, art & crafts, music, face painting and lots more · Self Guided Walking Tour of Baldwin Village - present to the turn of the century · International Delicious Food ...And a swell time for all !! Time: 12:00 pm to 10:00 pm For more information visit:
Wheras pianos respond to velocity (hit the key faster to make it louder) and organs respond to displacement (position of the key), hydraulophones respond to absement.

Absement is the time-integral of displacement

The word "absement" derives from the words "absence" and "displacement". I will attempt to explain the concept of absement by way of the following simple example:

Consider a 5-hour train ride that takes you 500 miles directly away from your home, in a straight line, to another destination where you stay for 5 hours and then return. Suppose you want to stay wirelessly glogged into your home computer at a "roaming" communications cost of $1/mile/hour. For simplicity, assume a linear long-distance rate, i.e. $1/hour when you're 1 mile away, $2/hour when you're 2 miles away, $3.14/hour when you're 3.14 miles away, etc.. The total cost of your online communications is $5000, since the absement (time-integral of displacement) is 5000 mile hours (1250 mile hours on the way to your destination, plus 500 miles * 5 hours stay = 2500 mile hours, plus 1250 mile hours of absement during the return trip).

The middle plot shows Displacement. The first 5 hours are spent in the train going at velocity 100mph (miles per hour) away from home. The area under this triangular part is 1/2 five times 500 mile hours, which is 1/2 times 2500 mile hours, i.e. 1250 mile hours. The next 5 hours are spent at your destination, 500miles from your home, where you pay $500/hour for 5 hours, for a cost of $2500. Staying online during your return trip costs you another $1250.

Your total cumulative running cost is the area under the middle plot up to a particular point in time. This integral is called absement and is shown on the top plot.

Each of the three plots is the time-derivative of the plot above it:

Gallery of hydraulophone pictures

Take Our Daughters & Sons to Work Day, Thursday April 26, 2007.

Make music with water!! Learn how to play an instrument that uses water instead of air! Take a look and hear for yourself.
Discover a fun and new way to learn music by using water whistling through small openings in a pipe. View a children's version of the hydraulophone.

Meet the inventor, U of T Professor Steve Mann, who will demonstrate on "Nessie", the hydraulophone.
Music can make a splash, so we ask that children bring a swimsuit and towel. The activity will take place at the Athletic Centre,Teach Pool. There will be change rooms available.




Janzen in the news.

Hydraulophone in Experimental Musical Instruments publication

See and hear a musical composition for hydraulophone and orchestra:

Nessie also played at BRAMPTON INDIE ARTS FESTIVAL and the Mayor of Brampton also played on Nessie.

Hydraulophone featured on Best internet videos
Hacked Gadgets Forum


Think or Thwim (main page)

make music with water

Ontario Science Centre Hydraulophone:

Sustainable Businesses: Hydraulophone

South instrument

Here's a pipe organ that Chris Aimone and I (Steve Mann) made together, along with other members from my research team:
FUNtain pipe organ with water-jets as keys, Wednesday 2006 September 20th:

Download in mpeg 4

Download in avi

Picture slide show

Ryan playing Pachelbel's canon on the South division of the fountain


Download a higher resolution version of that movie in mpeg 4

Kris Abel's blog




sousveillance is self-enacting

Metal and Flesh, Volume 6, Number 1, submitted 2002 May 1st



Operation Python...

RFID sousveillance

...use of mobiles in Sierra Leone and Ghana for checking malpractices and intimidation during elections.

Combining mobile phone cameras with Web sites has proved effective in combating electoral misdeeds in a number of countries.

A time may not be far-off when mobiles will turn out to be powerfulinstruments of `sousveillance', or the reverse of surveillance, enabling `bottom-up monitoring of the state by citizens', for good governance and prompt service delivery.

Bravo, mobile!

Harvard University, Berkman Center, Sousveillance Activism

Sousveillance is

sousveillance video on 'gloger


picture from Nuit Blanche
Live Glogger Image Live Glogger Image Live Glogger Image Live Glogger Image Live Glogger Image Live Glogger Image Live Glogger Image Live Glogger Image

Existential Technology which asks the question "Can humans being clerks make clerks be human?", is the philisophical grounding and theoretical basis for the above examples of sousveillance and cyborglogging.


Equiveillance seeks to further the study of the equilibrium between surveillance and sousveillance (inverse surveillance). Introduced and debated during last year's opening keynote address at the Association of Computing Machinery's COMPUTERS, FREEDOM & PRIVACY conference, equiveillance explores the means by which we might mitigate power imbalances arising from systematic and unbalanced surveillance. Baa baa May2005

Equiveillance Week kicks off with an ID Trail Mix on Equiveillance by Ian Kerr and Steve Mann, posted on January 3rd (See the Kerr and Mann 2006 paper, or download an ASCII text version, or Linux OpenOffice ".doc" version), followed by a week of active discussion on blog*on*nymity by various guest bloggers, professors and students. Invited bloggers include Valerie Steeves and David Matheson, as well as Gary Marx, Professor Emeritus, M.I.T., and Daniel Solove, Associate Professor of Law at the George Washington University Law School. Article with comments.

The basic question is whether the negative consequences of widespread surveillance and collection of personal data can be balanced by individuals, who are being watched, monitoring and recording those engaged in that surveillance.
Sousveillance art
What barriers does the law erect to surveillance and sousveillance in public places?
See Nessie, at the Mcluhan Festival Saturday, 2005 September 24th, 2pm, in Dundas Square.


The poseidophone (water-pipe-organ-flute)

Installation at Pine Hill Estates: Plays music by blocking water jets.
combines the features of a pipe-organ with those of a flute, and it runs on water instead of air
Sousveillance grid, an art-installation by Andrew Collins.
Sousveillance in New Orleans (along with a critique of sousveillance in general)
Gathering of the Tribes - Sousveillance

Call for Submissions

Editors: Stefanos Pantagis M.D., Jason Nolan Ph.D.

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), CFP2005, Opening Keynote Plenary Panel on Equiveillance (the equilibrium between surveillance and sousveillance)

ACM CFP keynote and maybecameras were mentioned on Kim Cameron's weblog:

The conference organizers actually turned every conference bag into a maybecamera replete with its individual dome! It was really bizarre and effective, especially given the conference title of "Panopticon"... And guess what? It's the first time I have come home from a conference with something both my (university age) children wanted! -- Kim Cameron

petitions as a form of sousveillance

"Sousveillance" and the politics of cameraphones.
Open source sousveillance
You must remember this, Frank Nack's article in IEEE MultiMedia, January/March 2005 (Vol. 12, No. 1), pp. 4-7; excerpt: "This column introduces the two most prominent approaches to lifelogging, namely MyLifeBits and EyeTap. These approaches deal with the problem of establishing media-based memory structures that address the cognition of audio--visual data with respect to comprehension and, in some aspects, interpretation...." --Frank Nack.
Sousveillance snares racist police
"urbeach" (urban beach)
Ceci ce n'est pas une plage.

First place winner of the Coram International Sustainability Design Competition

Sousveillance panel at Computers Freedom and Privacy (CFP)

The Sousveillance Sheppard (call for citizens to photograph any suspicious lorries, trailers and number plates)

making the streets safe with web-based sousveillance cameras

voter sousveillance

Some recent and upcoming events that the ePi Lab (EyeTap Personal Imaging Lab) is involved with:

Sousveillance (domewear) on Bruce Sterling's 'Blog

p2p sousveillance

Inverse surveillance

"Copyright holders won't like it, but we will have the right to capture anything we witness." -- Britt Blaser, "Over Sousveillance", 4/2/04; 8:36:56 AM,
Others building upon this work:
(Related concepts: "minimal compact" sensecam lifeglog lifeblog moblog lifelog eyetop)

Urban Turbine (rooftop windmill 3 phase generator)

3phase Power to the People!

The paperback edition of CYBORG is now available as online order from Barnes and noble. A special edition version of the original hardcover version is available from Tekgear


Also note that is the same company as but you need to use the domain to get a search, e.g. by ISBN, such as for example: "".

See also the book reviews.

book and workshop mentioned in igargoyle

Upcoming sponsorship opportunities: the upcoming Digifest Event, including "A Celebration of the Art, Science & Inventions of Steve Mann", digifest 2004, ON THE MOVE, MAY13-16, TORONTO:

Visual Field Mediation

Sousveillance: Opening Keynote Address for Academia Week at McGill University

Visual art: the original reason for the invention of the wearable computer:
The wearable computer, in the form we know and use it today, was invented in Canada in the 1970s for computer-mediated reality, as a visual art form, for production of pictures like this picture from the mid 1980s.
See a larger version of above picture
See Other examples of Lightvector paintings like the one shown above.


I've been having a lot of trouble finding a reliable 4way Decora switch (Leviton's seem flaky, and unreliable). Let me know if you know of any reliable Decora 4way switch, or a reliable X10 dimmer for that matter.

Issues in Wearable Computing, by Len Bass, Steve Mann, Dan Siewiorek and Chris Thompson

Witnessentialism: Witnessential Networks

Comparametric Equations WWW site Recent paper on Comparametric Equations

glinaccess: making GNU Linux accessible to the visually impaired (persons with low vision)

Two new books on wearable computing:

Intelligent Image Processing, John Wiley and Sons. CYBORG: Digital Destiny and Human Possibility in the Age of the Wearable Computer, Randomhouse Doubleday.

Click here to locate the first book at BARNES&NOBLE
This book teaches the fundamentals of wearable computing and mediated reality, the EyeTap principle, the mathematical theory, as well as the practical details of how to design and build these systems.

Click here to locate the second book at
This book presents, to the layperson, wearable, mobile, wireless computing and communication, and personal experiences of inventing, designing, building, and wearing computers for the past 20 years, as well as how these inventions affect society as a whole.

The book is usally found in the cultural studies section of the bookstore:

Here it was found on the third floor of Chapters bookstore, on Bloor Street, in Toronto. (Fullsize pictures taken from within Chapters bookstore can be found here.)

An important aspect of CYBORG living is the Cyborg Log (cyborglog, or "glog", for short). A peer-reviewed journal article on cyborglogs has recently been published. The article also describes the nonwearable ouiki as an attribution obfuscator, in addition to ouiki-wear.

From postcyborgism to deconism.

Recent event: DECONference, 2002 August 29th

EXISTech's wearable face recognizer.

Witnessential Networks

Comparametric Equations

Existential Technology, Leonardo 36(1), 2003 Intelligent fixtures and systems, Leonardo, 36(3), 2003

This site is a true "web" (disorganized collection of links), as the web should be!

It is also designed for easy access to the visually challenged, and to be easy to read on a wearable computer or EyeTap device, so if you find large font sizes offensive, then tough.

This site contains no frames, animations, or other viruses, and you will not require any proprietary plug-ins or proprietary or specific browser versions to access the material presented here. You can set your browser width to whatever you like, because I have made no assumptions whatsoever about what screen size you must purchase in order to view this site. This site will view quite nicely, for example, on a standard size 640x480 VGA display or a high brightness NTSC TV picture tube suitable for use by the visually impaired.

If you want a more organized and more desktop computer friendly site, see and

The Chirplet Transform, and other new mathematical frameworks for imaging.
Others, such as L. Onural (running for IEEE President: be sure to vote!) are also working on chirplet and wavelet transforms (I met him because of his work on fractional Fourier transforms).
Anthrax-free environments, and emergency preparedness based on digital signal processing with application to an infrared sensor operated column shower (as described in the final chapter of the book "CYBORG: DIGITAL DESTINY...").

Subjectright (S) as an alternative to Copyright (C)

First published article containing material released under Subjectright (S) as an alternative to Copyright (C)

Buy No Software (BNS)

Seeing Eye People: Research project on using Live Video for remote guidance of the visually impaired

EyeTap drive-where-you-look wheelchair, similar to the EyeTap radiocar...

Diminished Reality

Wearable AI

Wearable Computing: Toward Humanistic Intelligence

FILM TITLE: Cyberman
Year: 2001
Time: 87 minutes
Film Types: Colour/35mm
``about... the world's first wearable computer...''

``It's a visually intricate look into the head of the world's first cyborg: inventor, performance artist, privacy advocate... a "Roger and Me" for the William Gibson generation.''

Cyberman movie reviews.

Thesis projects for 4th year Engineering Science students (Many of the must successful students, such as James Fung, working in this area of research, come from Engineering Science.)

Personal Cybernetics, ECE1766, currently being offered this term, (started January).

Sousveillance, not just surveillance, in response to terrorism

Joici Ito, Japan's leading philosopher on technology, has contextualized many related issues, such as freedom, democracy, privacy, sur/sousveillance, etc., in his recent article, Emergent Democracy.

community of cyborgs about to go out dusting (ece1766 dusters) (Some of the University of Toronto ECE1766 Photoborgs getting ready to head out on a shooting assignment.)
ECE1766 (Personal Imaging) new course offering at U. Toronto

crude helmet mounted eyetap device
(click for fullsize versions of this set of pictures)
ENGwear (Electronic News Gathering wear) student project: design and implementation of wearable wireless electronic newsgathering eyewear.

IEEE Computer, Vol 30, No. 2, February 1997, Lead article

Wearable Intelligent Signal Processing: Lead article from Proceedings of the IEEE, Nov. 1998, Vol. 86, No. 11, cover+p2123-2151

Visual Vicarious Soliloquy of the Keynote Address at DEFCON7 (my travel schedule is very hectic, but I still enjoy giving the occasional Keynote Address at major conferences or symposia, often as Visual Vicarious Soliloquys; contact with audience size, profile, etc..).

Privacy and Wearable Computers; McLuhan Culture and Technology Keynote Address, 1998 October 23,, UTWCHI, and Steve Mann's Personal Web Page/research

evolution of mann's wearcomp invention

Mathematical theory of WearComp and Mediated Reality: Comparametric Equations

research interests

I am a faculty member at University of Toronto; you may want to visit my official faculty WWW page at

Events or places of interest in cyberspace:

If you have a really fast Internet connection, you might want to look at a more highly graphical version of this page.

Contact info: Prof. Steve Mann, University of Toronto, Department of Electrical Engineering, 10 King's College Road, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 3G4

© We're supposed to have a Copyright notice in our Web pages. That circle-C is ASCII 251 in case you were wondering.
My Snail mail (Canada Post) is also on that same page.

[Free Speech Ribbon] Blue ribbon designates Free speech (ribbon used instead of setting background color to black because this would be a Notscape specific feature).

This page written for any browser, not specific browsers. It was tested with Mosaic (e.g. lean and mean, and COMPLIANT to the HTML standards) but if you like some of the non-standard "features" (pork) in Netscape, you can do things like try a little try a little bit of push-pull. Then when you get tired of that you can go back to using the more ``lean and mean'' and compliant lynx or Mosaic browsers.

glynx (graphical lynx) based on konqueror

The DEC Alpha has held the record as the world's fastest microprocessor since 1992. This makes it a good computer upon which to run GNUX (GNU+Linux) for a WearComp base station or Interenet gateway.

WearTech/WearComp/WearCam on CNN (1996)

Russell McOrmond once said: "Any 'hardware assist' for communications, whether it be eye-glasses, VCR's, or personal computers, must be under the control of the citizen and not a third party."

Don't let Software Barons force-feed you anything that isn't COSHER!

Always ask for ADVANCE payment if you're giving an expense-paid invited lecture, otherwise you're extending what amounts to a high-risk interest free loan. ESR got this one right!

See for useful info on making a www page more accessible.
Links to all major wearable computing sites
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wearable computer
Find all about wearable computer
top10instruments.htm plans disappear, dreams take over (chanel) @optonoise music from light, currently working on a crystal laser synth that uses solar panels to make music for a show on HBO in Feb, DM for details if you have skills! London,