This paper describes the world's first wearable computer face recognizer. It was presented at AAAI in 1996.
Here is the bibliographic database entry in BibTeX format:
@techreport{mannaaai361, author = "Mann, Steve", title = "{\bf Wearable, tetherless computer--mediated reality}: {WearCam} as a wearable face--recognizer, and other applications for the disabled", institution = "M.I.T. Media Lab Perceptual Computing Section; Also appears in {\bf AAAI Fall Symposium on Developing Assistive Technology for People with Disabilities}, 9-11 November 1996, MIT;", type = "TR", number = "361", address = "Cambridge, Massachusetts", month = "February 2", year = 1996 }
Here is the entire paper, as HTML.
Some additional detailed information is available in a textbook on wearable computing published by John Wiley and Sons. The social and philosophical issues are described in CYBORG: Digital Destiny and Human Possibility in the Age of the Wearable Computer published by Randomhouse Doubleday.