I've been trying to transfer from the domain name monopoly (Netsol/Verisign) to another registrar, but they keep making it harder and harder to transfer. (See http://wearcam.org/verisign/)

I've tried phone calls, faxes, letters, but no luck.

One of the reasons I'm transferring is that I don't agree to their Terms and Conditions, and they even have Terms and Conditions to "Agree" to in order to terminate service with them. I was going to Ouijagree (e.g. get a bunch of friends to sit around the mouse/planchette, and make the spirits of the dead be bound by their Terms and Conditions), but I thought another approach would be the following shell script, which would hopefully help them get the message that I'd like to switch registrars. If others would be willing to help me in transferring this domain, please consider running the following shell script. If enough people run it, perhaps it would get their attention. I've just finished being on "hold" for 2 hours on the telephone, and I'd really rather have my computer do the work+waiting, rather than me:

while (1) {
  $commandstr = sprintf("lynx -dump https://registrar-transfers.com/\?h=bf97ce18c1f368afb106699eea6e802e >> temp.txt");
  ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst)=localtime(time);
  $d=sprintf("$sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst");
  $datecommand = sprintf("echo $d >> temp.txt");
  printf("lynx $d\n");
The logfile allows a graph to later be plotted of update frequency as a function of time.

This might also form a nice experiment to see if enough requests are made, do they get the message?

Results: After approximately 15 hours of running, with 44,196 requests made by one of my computers, and 35,711 by another:
grep Submit temp.txt | grep button | wc
  35711  392821 2642614
as well as several others running such requests, the domain was finally successfully transferred to another registrar.
It looks like, if you ask them enough times, they hear you.