Meet the Team

Professor Steve Mann (PhD, MIT '97), widely regarded as the Father of Wearable Computing, is an inventor best known for his work in wearable computing, augmented reality, and the invention of HDR (high dynamic range) imaging. Mann created the world's first wearable augmented reality computer in his childhood in 1974 to visualize electromagnetic radio waves, and has been building the field of phenomenological augmented reality for over 40 years, including the founding of the MIT wearable computing project as its first member, inventing the world's first smartwatch, the world's first contact-lens display, the first implantable eye camera, and the first underwater musical instrument (for which he coined the term Natural User Interface). Mann is a tenured full professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Toronto and General Chair of the IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society.

Christina Mann has attended The Bishop Strachan School since Grade 7, and it is currently her fifth year at BSS. Christina is an avid maker, she has been tinkering since the age of two. In her spare time, she enjoys reading Margaret Atwood, dancing and figure skating. Additionally, she built a website from scratch using HTML and CSS in Grade 9.

Megan Jorritsma is in 2nd year of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Toronto. Her goal is to be a role model for young girls passionate about STEM. She aspires to work in the medical field, working to create robotic prosthetics for the disabled. Her hobbies include playing soccer and badminton with friends. She loves to draw and play the piano. Since Megan was little, she has always had an eye for perfection and a heart for problem solving. One of her most admirable qualities is her love for helping others, which is why she strives to make a difference through Engineering.