Immersed Music: All music is immersed in some medium, such as a solid (e.g. buried instruments), liquid (underwater instruments), or gas (e.g. the standard concert hall).

More generally, consider:

Examples: Aerophone air sound; Aeraud air hear Audaero hear air Sound Surround Hear

Previously known instruments produce sound by matter in its solid or gas state, whereas some newly invented instruments produce sound by matter in its liquid or plasma states.

One such newly invented instrument, the hydraulophone, produces sound by matter in its liquid state. Hydraulophones can be experienced

Physical Organology classifies instruments based on the sound-producing medium, regardless of the medium that surrounds the instrument or listener:

Earth/Solid; Water/Liquid; Gas/Wind; Plasma/"Fire"; Quintessence/Idea

Put instruments under each corresponding part of diagram, like branches in a tree:

  1. piano
  2. hydraulophone
  3. serpent
  4. plasmaphone
  5. ???

Strings, Percussion; ... Woodwind, Brass; ...

main() {
        printf("hello, world");




aaaaaaaaaa circular sawblades, work in all 5 states of matter;

hybrids: tod machover hyperinstrument;

s. mann hyperacoustic instrument.