Benefits of joining World Subjectrights Foundation
- free updates and news;
- participation in scholarly debate and discourse;
- free freedom binding services (e.g. opportunity to be
``bound to freedom'' by the World Subjectrights Foundation
or EXISTech Corporation);
- use of membership as a framework for getting freedom without
seeming like you want it, e.g. getting freedom without
the need to seem paranoid or irrational
(see, for example,;
- subservience empowerment and self-demotion possibilities,
e.g. possibilitly to be hired as an Assistant Mailroom Clerk
for EXISTech Corporation's Subjectrights Division, and thus being
bound to the freedoms of being an Assistant Mailroom Clerk;
- possibility of being
required to wear a freedom uniform,
to experience turning the tables on the surveillance superhighway;
- possible use of our special secure
fingerprint scanning
briefcase that anyone except you can open (you can program it to deny
access with your fingerprints so that anyone wishing to search the
briefcase must submit to
being fingerprinted) great for carrying your
identification cards or keeping your papers in order;
- coming soon: members will be able to rent space in our
level four cleanroom laboratory for leaving your papers in order.
this means that anyone accompanying you to search your papers must
undergo decontamination.