Sledgehammer Award goes to HDMI for lack of transparency
Standard NTSC VGA HDMI Future Year 1941 1987 2003 2050 Number of conductors 0, 1, or 2 15 19 8294400 Number of TV channels 250 1 1 1 Bandwidth per conductor 1.5 GHz 8 Mhz 6.5 Mhz 60 Hz Maximum length cable run 10,000 feet 300m 5-15m 6 inches Bandwidth runlength product 40 THzm 2.4 GHzm 65 MHzm Bandwidth runlength/cond. 40 THzm/cond 160 MHzm/c 345 KHz Responsive time ~1 millisecond ~1 second ~5 sec. 1 hour Open or Proprieterrorist? Open Open Secret Top Secret Ease of use Consistent Behave differently each day Ease of use Radial symmetry ------Only 1 way to insert------- (can be inserted Must face in proper in any direction) directionNTSC has about 5000 times the feedback bandwidth of HDMI.
Panel Discussion following the Sledgehammer Awards ceremony: