Public report of incident, made 2012 July 16th, after giving McDonalds 15 days to respond regarding a July 1st incident:
July 16th (the very same day), a user by the name of bjarratt posted
this account to reddit, "the front page of the internet", and within 3 hours
it becames the top topic of reddit's "FRONT":
Due to the above (and subsequent media coverage), McDonalds finally responded,
but only to deny any wrongdoing. But they revised to look at any of their
video surveillance recordings or any further response:
It was suggested I try writing a much shorter letter, in French, but this also went unanswered:
McVeillance and the Mann-Wassel Law:
As a result of this incident, rather than bringing legal action against
McDonalds, I teamed up with the IEEE (world's largest technical society),
the ACLU, and some industry leaders such as the Pete Wassell, CEO of Augmate
Corporation, to propose the Mann-Wassell law for presentation to the New York
legislature, as well an IEEE conference on the topic of Veillance.
The goal of this work is to create a legal, policy, and social climate to
counteract the actions of companies like McDonalds, that are otherwise
likely to have a chilling effect on the research and
use of Augmediated Reality technologies in everyday life.
In this context, I also formalized the concept of McVeillance
as placing people under surveillance while simultaneously forbidding
them from using their own cameras.
More precisely, McVeillance is defined as the ratio (linearly)
or difference (logarithmically) of surveillance to sousveillance:

McVeillance is defined in the following 2012 October 10th publication:
MANN-WASSELL LAW, Proposed law on sousveillance, IEEE ISTAS 2013: