Being Undigital: The Wyckoff principle
- As a form of social commentary, a covert version of Wearable Wireless
Webcam is used in establishments where photography is strictly
prohibited, yet surveillance is used extensively
(department stores, banks, casinos, etc.)
- Lookpaintings are transmitted to a WWW site, depicting representatives
of the "surveillance superhighway"
- Extremely high-resolution images are captured, using the Wyckoff principle
- Covert telepresence/reconaissance
- Detournement: The process of re-situating everday familiar objects
(e.g. computer, camera) in a disturbing and disorienting fashion
in order to challenge society's pre-conceived biases
- "Surveillance Situationist": Appropriating the tools of the oppressor
Contact info: Professor Steve Mann, University of Toronto, Department of
Electrical Engineering,
10 King's College Road, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 3G4