Origins of Cyberfashion show

Cyberfashion began in Toronto in the summer of 1985; some 15 years later, this trend still continues; having been asked to do a fashion show as the grand finale of the Technology Entertainment and Design (TEDCity) conference, Toronto, in June 2000. This show encapsulated and summarized fifteen years of cyberfashion, including such pieces as the early wearable photographic apparatus, and the more recent ``Maybe Cameras'' of 1996.

The fashion show provided an interesting role reversal in which audience members and photographers of the fashion show became the subjects (those being watched), and the models on the runway became the watchers, transmitting with wireless live video webcams.

Here are some video stills of the fashion show:

Cyberfashions of the mid 1980s

Origins of cyberfashion in Toronto, summer of 1985, Praxis Hardwear, etc... my unwittingly becoming a cyborg performance artist in the summer of 1985 as this new genre of cyberphotography (wearable photographic apparatus) began to catch on in the mainstream fashion world...

WearComp4: a mid 1980s wearable photographic computer system... (See for another picture of this same apparatus, and for more info.)

A necklace for wearing to your favorite department store, gambing casino, or anywhere else photography is prohibited

I wonder what's inside the dome?

Here is a demonstration of how the necklace is used by a customer to catch a corrupt gambling casino operator, dealing a card from her sleeve.:

TieDome: The necktie with an attitude...

(This augmented reality computer controlled laser scanner is described in


A nice large 12 inch diameter plexiglass dome of wine-dark opacity conspicuously conceals whatever is inside. I wonder what's inside the dome?

(See for a better picture of the Shootingbackpack.)

Here is some live video wirelessly transmitted from one of the five Internet connected cameras conspicuously concealed in the nice dark dome:

Maybe camera

For your protection,
a video record of you
and your establishment
may be transmitted and
recorded at remote
[dark smoked plexiglass sheet]

videostill set (figure for paper) wirelessly transmitted from shirt

video stills transmitted live from maybecam shirt

billru in audience


You can also download an MPEG movie of the fashion show (approximately 75 megabytes).

See some still pictures of cyberfashions used in the show.

See excerpts from an article in FLAIR magazine about this show.