EyeTap focus controller programs

The EyeTap device, as described in Intelligent Image Processing (Published by John Wiley and Sons), comprises aremac and camera with focus link, e.g. so that the device causes the eye itself to function, in effect, as if it were a camera.

To assist others following this text, in building their own EyeTap devices, the following programs are provided, for use of low cost hobby servos to control the aremac and camera.

Ordinarily two servos are used, one for the camera and the other for the aremac, but you can obviously build a mechanical link to join the two.

servoserialdriver.c is a program that uses the select function to wait on two fifos, /dev/pwm0, and /dev/pwm1, to emulate the device driver funcationality of earlier ISA (Industry Standards Associateion) based EyeTap focus controllers. You can use the "pseudo driver" as follows:

echo -n -e "\377" > /dev/pwm0
(base 8 raw data)

servoserialdriver_only_one_servo.c uses only one servo, in case you have the camera focus and aremac focus linked mechanically.

servoserialdriver_ascii.c is an ascii version, e.g. you can

echo 255 > /dev/pwm0
(base A ascii data)

servoserialdriver_kernelspace.c is a true kernelspace driver.

mini_ssc.c is a program upon which autofocus.c and servoserialdriver.c are based.

ISA board controller

in this directory there are some board designs for ISA and PC104 controllers: