% *************************************************************************

% ECE431F Digital Signal Processing


% Lab 4: Practical application of DSP to a real world problem:

%        Processing digital signals from an infrared sensor operated faucet.


% Matlab m. file scripts, you can rename it to lab4.m if you like.


% Answer the 20 questions in your report.

% **************************************************************************



% ***************************** %

% Introduction and Instructions %

% ***************************** %


% You are required to use DSP to figure out how to control an

% infrared sensor faucet. When hands are placed under the tap

% the controller should turn the water on and when the hands

% are removed the controller should turn the water off.


% There  are a number of ways to do this. The method we will use is

% based on image processing using masks and a simple probability

% model of the water and hands. To do this we will need to compute

% means, standard deviations, and masks of useful object in our

% image space.


% The lab is broken up into 4 parts.

% A. Computing Means, Variances, and Masks.

% B. Using an estimate of the total image power

% C. Computing the power intelligently using masks

% D. Using Probability to make more intelligent decisions


% There are four graphs to produce and twenty questions to answer.

% These are not essay questions, they are short answer and should

% be no more than 3 to 5 sentences long (except for Q18 which we'd

% like you to elaborate on). You should be able to do

% this lab in a couple of hours, the code has been largely written

% for you, all you need to do is plot out some of the results and

% understand what is going on.


% Don't be frightened by all the for-loops, much of the code is

% repetitive.


% If you find that you are running out of RAM or your machine is too

% slow you can adjust the range of the for loops within reason.


% Good luck and happy learning!



% ***************************** %

% Preliminary Image Information %

% ***************************** %


% Clear all previous data

clear all;


dispon=0;%display processing information or not

% Image information

M = 240;          % Image height in pixels

N = 320;          % Image width in pixels


% The sample images are stored in different directories and the directories

% in which these directories are stored varies between users. Please adjust

% the following few lines of code to match your storage locations

rootdir = './';



filedirsink = 'noise0/';

filedirwater = 'noise1/';

filedirhands = 'signal0/';

filedirhandswater = 'signal1/';

filetype = 'jpg';


disp('Part A:');


% *********************************** %

%                                     %

% Part A: Means, Variances, and Masks %

%                                     %

% *********************************** %


% Compute the mean of the Handwash Sink Faucet signal without hands and water

meanA = zeros(M,N);

L = 58;  % number of frames in dataset

for i=0:L-1

    filename = strcat('a',sprintf('%03d',i),'.',filetype);

    testimage = double(imread(strcat(rootdir,filedirsink,filename),'jpeg'));

    if dispon 

        msg=sprintf('a mean %d\r',i); 



    meanA = meanA + testimage/L;



%%% Q1. What does the mean represent?

%%% Q2. What is the advantage of computing the mean of a large number of

%%%     realizations of the same signal over just taking one of these signals?


% Compute the standard deviation about the mean of the sink

varA = zeros(M,N);

for i=0:L-1

    filename = strcat('a',sprintf('%03d',i),'.',filetype);

    testimage = double(imread(strcat(rootdir,filedirsink,filename),'jpeg'));

    if dispon 

        msg=sprintf('a var %d\r',i); 



    varA = varA + (double(testimage) - meanA).^2/(L-1);


stdA = sqrt(varA);


%%% Q3. Is the image of the sink stochastic in nature? Explain.

%%% Q4. What does the standard deviation represent for the sink image?

%%% Q5. Approximately how many standard deviations from the mean do we have

%%%     to be to contain 95% of our samples?

%%% Q6. Approximately what percentage of the samples are within 3 standard

%%%     deviations of the mean?


% Compute mean when the water is flowing:

meanB = zeros(M,N);

maskB = zeros(M,N);

L=155; % number of measurements in the dataset

for i=0:L-1,

    filename = strcat('b',sprintf('%03d',i),'.',filetype);

    testimage = double(imread(strcat(rootdir,filedirwater,filename),'jpeg'));

    if dispon 

        msg=sprintf('b mean %d\r',i); 



    meanB = meanB + testimage/L;

    maskB = maskB + (testimage - meanA)/L;



threshold = -30;

maskB = (maskB < threshold);


%%% Q7. In this context, what is a mask?

%%%     Is it a filter?

%%%     What is the minimum and maximum value of maskB?

%%% Q8. Why is it important to subtract meanA from the testimages in the

%%%     determination of the mask?

%%% Q9. Plot the image of maskB for 3 different thresholds

%%%     (eg.-50,-30, and -10).  Is -30 a good threshold?  Explain.


% Compute the standard deviation when the water is flowing in the sink

varB = zeros(M,N);

for i=0:154,

    filename = strcat('b',sprintf('%03d',i),'.',filetype);

    testimage = double(imread(strcat(rootdir,filedirwater,filename),'jpeg'));

    if dispon 

        msg=sprintf('b var %d\r',i); 



    varB = varB + (testimage - meanB).^2/154;


stdB = sqrt(varB);


%%% Q10. Is the image of the water alone stochastic in nature? Explain.

%%% Q11. What does the standard deviation represent for the water image?


% Compute the mean of the hands

meanC = zeros(M,N);

maskC = zeros(M,N);

for i=33:41,

    filename = strcat('d',sprintf('%03d',i),'.',filetype);

    testimage = double(imread(strcat(rootdir,filedirhands,filename),'jpeg'));

    if dispon 

        msg=sprintf('c mean %d\r',i); 



    meanC = meanC + testimage/9;

    maskC = maskC + (testimage - meanA)/9;



maskC = (maskC < threshold);


% Compute the standard deviation of the hands

varC = zeros(M,N);

for i=33:41,

    filename = strcat('d',sprintf('%03d',i),'.',filetype);

    testimage = double(imread(strcat(rootdir,filedirhands,filename),'jpeg'));

    if dispon 

        msg=sprintf('c var %d\r',i); 



    varC = varC + (testimage - meanC).^2/8;


stdC = sqrt(varC);




% The final image masks

maskHands = maskC - maskB.*maskC;

maskWater = maskB;


%%% Plot: Figure 1. Use imagesc to plot the following grayscale plots:

%%%       [1,1] meanA   [1,2] stdA   [1,3] maskHands

%%%       [2,1] meanB   [2,2] stdB   [2,3] maskWater

%%%       [3,1] meanC   [3,2] stdC   [2,3] maskC


colormap(gray); % colormaps usually come before imagesc

subplot(3,3,1),imagesc(meanA);colormap(gray);title('1.1. The Sink')

subplot(3,3,2),imagesc(stdA);colormap(gray);title('1.2. Standard Deviation of Sink')

subplot(3,3,3),imagesc(maskHands);colormap(gray);title('1.3. Mask of Hands Only')

subplot(3,3,4),imagesc(meanB);colormap(gray);title('1.4. The Water')

subplot(3,3,5),imagesc(stdB);colormap(gray);title('1.5. Standard Deviation of Water')

subplot(3,3,6),imagesc(maskWater);colormap(gray);title('1.6. Mask of Water Only')

subplot(3,3,7),imagesc(meanC);colormap(gray);title('1.7. The Hands')

subplot(3,3,8),imagesc(stdC);colormap(gray);title('1.8. Standard Deviation of Hands')

subplot(3,3,9),imagesc(maskC);colormap(gray);title('1.9. Mask of Water and Hands')


%%% Q12. What does maskHands represent?


disp('part B')


% ************************************************** %

%                                                    %

% Part B: Using L1 norm to control the faucet        %

%                                                    %

% ************************************************** %


% In this section we use our first intuitive guess of how the faucet control

% should operate based on the images. For this lab we define the L1 norm as

% the cumulative sum of the absolute values of the pixels of an image.

% That is,


%    sum2(|image|) ~ sum(sum(|image|))


% There are other norms (e.g. power which is L2), but this simplistic one

% will suffice for this lab.  Whenever the hands or the water appear above

% the sink the image appears to gain L1 norm.  So consider the design of a

% simple control, using the power level to determine when to turn the water

% on and when to turn it off.


L=58; % Length of image sequence

Pa = NaN*ones(L,1); % initialize the column vector of L1 'probabilities'

% this is not necessary but it's more efficient

for i=0:L-1,

    filename = strcat('a',sprintf('%03d',i),'.',filetype);

    testimage = double(imread(strcat(rootdir,filedirsink,filename),'jpeg'));

    Pa(i+1) = sum(sum(abs(testimage - meanA)));



L=155; % Length of image sequence

Pb = NaN*ones(L,1); % initialize the column vector of L1 'probabilities'

for i=0:L-1,

    filename = strcat('b',sprintf('%03d',i),'.',filetype);

    testimage = double(imread(strcat(rootdir,filedirwater,filename),'jpeg'));

    Pb(i+1) = sum(sum(abs(testimage - meanA)));



P =[];


for i=24:41,

    filename = strcat('d',sprintf('%03d',i),'.',filetype);

    testimage = double(imread(strcat(rootdir,filedirhands,filename),'jpeg'));

    P = [P; sum(sum(abs(testimage - meanA)))];



for i=101:129,

    filename = strcat('c',sprintf('%03d',i),'.',filetype);

    testimage = double(imread(strcat(rootdir,filedirhandswater,filename),'jpeg'));

    P = [P; sum(sum(abs(testimage - meanA)))];



%%% Plot: Figure 2. L1 norm vs. the image index (ie. plot(1:length(P),P) ) and

%%% label all axis and title clearly


P = [Pa; Pb; P];




xlabel('Image Number')

ylabel('Pseudo Power')

title('Figure 2. Pseudo power for Faucet Controller Design')

grid on


%%% Q13. Above and below what power threshold values would you set to determine:

%%%          a. when to turn on the water?

%%%          b. when to turn off the water?

%%%      Refer to Figure 2 and label these thresholds on the plot.

%%% Q14. Is the power a good indicator for our controller?

%%% What could we improve upon?  Explain.



disp('part C')


% ************************************************************ %

%                                                              %

% Part C: Using image power and our masks to determine control %

%                                                              %

% ************************************************************ %


% The technique used in Part B could be improved upon using the masks

% we constructed n Part A. First of all, when we compute the image power

% we sum over all the pixels, and so the more noise in an image the more

% variable our power estimate. Second of all, we sometimes have difficulty

% determining when we are in a state of only water and only hands. It

% would be helpful if there was a way to know when hands were present but

% no water was flowing in the maintenance of the faucet.


% To get specific regional information we use the masks to isolate the

% useful location and then compute the power in those regions. So consider

% the design of a simple control, using the power level and masks to determine

% when to turn the water on and when to turn it off.


PAH = sum(sum(meanA .* maskHands));

PAW = sum(sum(meanA .* maskWater));



PHa = NaN*ones(L,1); PW = NaN*ones(L,1);

PWa = NaN*ones(L,1); PW = NaN*ones(L,1);

for i=0:L-1,

    filename = strcat('a',sprintf('%03d',i),'.',filetype);

    testimage = double(imread(strcat(rootdir,filedirsink,filename),'jpeg'));

    PHa(i+1) = sum(sum(abs(testimage - meanA).*maskHands))/PAH;

    PWa(i+1) = sum(sum(abs(testimage - meanA).*maskWater))/PAW;




PHb = NaN*ones(L,1); PW = NaN*ones(L,1);

PWb = NaN*ones(L,1); PW = NaN*ones(L,1);

for i=0:154,

    filename = strcat('b',sprintf('%03d',i),'.',filetype);

    testimage = double(imread(strcat(rootdir,filedirwater,filename),'jpeg'));

    PHb(i+1) = sum(sum(abs(testimage - meanA).*maskHands))/PAH;

    PWb(i+1) = sum(sum(abs(testimage - meanA).*maskWater))/PAW;



PH = [];

PW = [];

for i=24:41,

    filename = strcat('d',sprintf('%03d',i),'.',filetype);

    testimage = double(imread(strcat(rootdir,filedirhands,filename),'jpeg'));

    PH = [PH; sum(sum(abs(testimage - meanA).*maskHands))/PAH];

    PW = [PW; sum(sum(abs(testimage - meanA).*maskWater))/PAW];



for i=101:129,

    filename = strcat('c',sprintf('%03d',i),'.',filetype);

    testimage = double(imread(strcat(rootdir,filedirhandswater,filename),'jpeg'));

    PH = [PH; sum(sum(abs(testimage - meanA).*maskHands))/PAH];

    PW = [PW; sum(sum(abs(testimage - meanA).*maskWater))/PAW];



%%% 3x1 Plot: Figure 3. Label all axis and titles clearly

%%%           3a. [3,1] Power of image vs. image index

%%%           3b. [3,2] Normalized power of water-only region vs. image index

%%%           3c. [3,3] Normalized power of hands-only region vs. image index


PH = [PHa; PHb; PH];

PW = [PWa; PWb; PW];




plot(P);grid on

ylabel('Pseudo Power');

title('Figure 3.1. Pseudo power for Faucet Controller Design')



plot(PW);grid on

ylabel('Pseudo Power');

title('Figure 3.2. Normalized Pseudo power for Water Mask')



plot(PH);grid on

xlabel('Image Number');

ylabel('Pseudo Power');

title('Figure 3.3. Normalized Pseudo power for Hand Mask')



%%% Q15. Why do we devide the power within the masks by the following:

%%%           PAH = sum(sum(meanA .* maskHands));

%%%           PAW = sum(sum(meanA .* maskWater));

%%% Q16. What logic would you use in your controller design now?

%%% Q17. Is there any benefit of using this approach to design over that in part B?



disp('part D')



% ******************************************************** %

%                                                          %

% Part D: Using probability and masks to determine control %

%                                                          %

% ******************************************************** %


% An even better approach than that given in Part B and C is to take

% advantage of probability theory and the standard deviations we computed

% earlier. The advantage to such an approach is that the control is based

% on a probabilistic interpretation of the image -- all indicators are

% between zero and one and the indicators have meaning. For instance, we could

% ask, what is the probability that the water is on, or that the hands are

% in the field of view.


% The code below is a simple attempt at design using a probability measure.

% PrH represents the probability that a hand is detected and PrW is the

% probability that water is detected.


PrH = [];

PrW = [];

countH = sum(sum(maskHands));

countW = sum(sum(maskWater));


for i=0:57,

    filename = strcat('a',sprintf('%03d',i),'.',filetype);

    testimage = double(imread(strcat(rootdir,filedirsink,filename),'jpeg'));

    PrH = [PrH; sum(sum((abs(testimage - meanC) < 3*stdC) .* maskHands))/countH];

    PrW = [PrW; sum(sum((abs(testimage - meanB) < 3*stdB) .* maskWater))/countW];



for i=0:154,

    filename = strcat('b',sprintf('%03d',i),'.',filetype);

    testimage = double(imread(strcat(rootdir,filedirwater,filename),'jpeg'));

    PrH = [PrH; sum(sum((abs(testimage - meanC) < 3*stdC) .* maskHands))/countH];

    PrW = [PrW; sum(sum((abs(testimage - meanB) < 3*stdB) .* maskWater))/countW];



for i=24:41,

    filename = strcat('d',sprintf('%03d',i),'.',filetype);

    testimage = double(imread(strcat(rootdir,filedirhands,filename),'jpeg'));

    PrH = [PrH; sum(sum((abs(testimage - meanC) < 3*stdC) .* maskHands))/countH];

    PrW = [PrW; sum(sum((abs(testimage - meanB) < 3*stdB) .* maskWater))/countW];



for i=101:129,

    filename = strcat('c',sprintf('%03d',i),'.',filetype);

    testimage = double(imread(strcat(rootdir,filedirhandswater,filename),'jpeg'));

    PrH = [PrH; sum(sum((abs(testimage - meanC) < 3*stdC) .* maskHands))/countH];

    PrW = [PrW; sum(sum((abs(testimage - meanB) < 3*stdB) .* maskWater))/countW];



%%% 3x1 Plot: Figure 4. Label all axis and titles clearly

%%%           3a. [3,1] Power of image vs. image index (Part B graph)

%%%           3b. [3,2] Probability of detecting water [%] vs. image index

%%%           3c. [3,3] Probability of detecting hands [%] vs. image index




plot(P);grid on

ylabel('Pseudo Power');

title('Figure 4.1. Pseudo power for Faucet Controller Design')



plot(PrW);grid on

ylabel('Probability of Water');

title('Figure 4.2. Probability of Water in Image')



plot(PrH);grid on

xlabel('Image Number');

ylabel('Probability of Hands');

title('Figure 4.3. Probability of Hands in Image')



%%% Q18. Explain the rational and logic behind the probability measures

%%%      defined as:

%%%      PrH = sum(sum((abs(testimage - meanC) < 3*stdC) .* maskHands))/countH;

%%%      PrW = sum(sum((abs(testimage - meanB) < 3*stdB) .* maskWater))/countW;

%%% Q19. What logic would you use in your controller design now?

%%% Q20. Can you see any advatage in using this approach over that in part B

%%%      and Part C?