Here is a good example that shows the application of the "scientific method" to understanding how something works. There was once a day when radios and televisions had schematic diagrams inside the cover, so that a student could easily find out how they worked. Similarly, you could even go to the library and look up the schematic diagrams of most things to see how they worked. However, as we move into the dark ages of software, we enter the regime of deliberate obfuscation. It is in this world that the job of the scientist is made that much harder. In this directory is an effort to apply the scientific method to understanding how everyday things, like computer programs, work. Most notably, the effort helps the student understand 0x86 architecture, and assembly language programming. Also pay attention to their analysis of little endian versus big endian, and the need for consistent endianness in something like IP addresses. Bonus question: see if you can come up with your own example of applying the scientific method to understanding one of the programs you come across in your everyday life. If you find a good example, send it in, and we'll maybe post it to this site.