Here are some ideas on how to acheive connectivity to the outside world with the OS-9 wearable.
Anyway, the idea then is that you run an SMTP agent on your wearable, and as you're taking notes, etc, you send email to your colleagues, yourself, etc. The email isn't sent immediately, because your wearable has no rf link, instead it's queued for mailing in the spool directory on the wearable's file system.
When you get back to your nonmobile, presumably connected, workstation, you plug the serial cable into your wearable, and it does a UUCP or similar smtp transfer to your host network. The messages you queued up on your wearable's spool directory get sent out over your coporate (or campus) network.
This allows the user to take notes and stuff, and email them to himself, without a realtime connection to the net. But, since it's email, you know you can't lose your notes. (Gee, now *which* file did I put the notes from this morning's meeting in?)
This brings up another issue --- since my wearable is a multiuser box, I have to log into my wearable, and supply a valid password. Nice if you're paranoid unauthorized access. Also --- you can set up "guest" accounts on your wearable for demos, so you don't have to worry about people to whom you're demoing destroying/seeing your valuable data.
I'm sure there are other issues concerning multi-user wearable computers.
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Last modified Wed Nov 22 12:45:01 EST 1995