CNIB Outdoor Classroom with all three states-of-matter:

  1. ``Earth'' (matter in its solid state) == chimes (glockenspiels);
  2. ``Water'' (matter in its liquid state) == hydraulophones;
  3. ``Air'' (matter in its gaseous state) == aerophones

Hydraulophones and glockenspiels (chimes)

(search for keyword freeness)

Aerophones (wind instruments) and hydraulophones

(search for keyword airness)

Composer R. Janzen wrote and performed an original piece to commemorate the opening of the Outdoor Classroom:

Glogger Audio
Glogger Video
Glogger Video

Portrait of composer R. Janzen with hydraulophones:

Steve Mann performance/demonstration:

Pictures of the hydraulophones:

Tactile map:

For more pictures of tactile map, search for keyword tacmap or besttacmap.