CACR: 2001 Conferences

The Human Face of Privacy Technology
November 1 & 2, 2001

Conference location:
The Faculty Club, 41 Willcocks Street
University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Keynote: Perspective on Subjectrights

The concept of privacy has been stretched to its limits, and conflated with other related concepts such as solitude.

Privacy should be defined as that which is violated by measuring instruments and input devices (such as video cameras) in contrast to solitude which can be defined as that which is violated by output devices (such as billboards, unwanted advertising, and other visual detritus).

A growing number of individuals have become dissatisfied with what privacy has offered (or not offered them) and are turning to a new concept called Subjectright(S). Subjectright(S), is a new framework for protecting both privacy and solitude. Government and industry IT organizations that respect Subjectrights will discover a practical solution to many of the problems that have not found solutions using privacy.

Important new concepts

I begin this Keynote by introducing some new concepts, upon which I will build up this presentation.

(I will also do some readings from CYBORG: Digital Destiny and Human Possibility in the Age of the Wearable Computer, Randomhouse Doubleday. CYBORG: Digital Destiny and Human Possibility in the Age of the Wearable Computer)