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These search terms have been highlighted: we have seen the enemy and it is us pogo 

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Excerpted from the © Global Sovereign's Handbook by Johnny Liberty
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"The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind
at the same time, and still retain the ability to function."-
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Truth is Neither Left Nor Right
The Right/Left political spectrum and all the bantering about Liberals/Conservatives,
Capitalists/Communists/Socialists, Republicans/Democrats is presently irrelevant. Most of our
thinking and the resulting conflict is caught in a polarized mode of black OR white, right OR left
duality. This endless and irrelevant debate plays solidly into the hands of the Power structure and the
global elite by keeping people divided, thus conquered.
We do it to ourselves and each other unconsciously. The Power structure is content to let
people attack and kill each other instead of focusing on their escapades. It saves them the cost of the
bullet! Get conscious and wake up America! The truth is neither Right nor Left, Liberal nor
Conservative, Black nor White. The truth is a blending, a melting of the individual points of view
into a paradox of reality, inclusive and comprehensive. The truth is much stranger than fiction.
We're all familiar with the Christian, conservative fundamentalism of the so-called Right.
Political correctness is the mind numbing, guilt-oriented, intellectual fundamentalism of the Left,
liberal, socialist, & communist elite, intent on destroying free thought, independent inquiry and true
consensus-building. Both are presently irrelevant in the pursuit of truth.
Be watchful of those who would encourage you to betray your friends, family and neighbors.
This is a part of a Power structure strategy for destroying public and community trust (e.g., Orwell's
1984 ). As I overheard it said recently on the campus of a major university, "In the sixties, it used to
be Us vs.Them. Today, with the advent of political correctness, it's Us vs. Us."
Let's stop fighting
each other and focus on the real issues, the real problems, the real perpetrators. "We have seen the
enemy, and it is us."-Pogo

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Excerpted from the © Global Sovereign's Handbook by Johnny Liberty
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The supposed "crime wave" crashing over the American landscape is generated by the failed
economic policy and bankruptcy of the federal government, poor legislative priorities and directives
by the foreign creditors, and the medias unstoppable sensationalism. How can it be that we build 150
new prisons in 1995 when the serious crime rate is actually falling? How can it be simultaneously
that the perception of a "crime wave" is on the rise?
Stop supporting the media's constant attack on your sensibilities. Boycott the television,
unless you can do so with the utmost of discrimination and skepticism. Stop believing what you
hear, or what's projected at you. Do your own thinking. Reject fundamentalist thinking of all kinds,
whether so-called Left or Right in origin.
Americans are the most controlled people in the world, supposedly living in a "free" country.
Americans are the "people-of-the-lie," who believe in the lie so wholeheartedly that we can no
longer see, nor do we care to see, reality for what it is.17 This "reality erosion" is the most serious
mental disability of our time - the inability to distinguish between what is real and what is
This inner blindness combined with ignorance, fear, denial and irresponsibility results in
crisis after crisis being created in our lives. The truth is indeed much stranger than fiction.
Most people on the streets have already surrendered their heart and soul, country and nation,
body and labor to the foreign powers without hesitation, without thought. Many people don't know
how many planets are in our solar system, let alone how the political, economic or legal systems
actually work. Many people have never experienced any "freedom" in their lives. Working all their
lives for the American dream, 90% of all Americans are bankrupt by the age of 62 without a pot to
pee in. Walk outside in America today, you'll see a stressed-out, defeated and demoralized people,
most who have already given up, although the first shot of a military occupation by foreign powers
(e.g., United Nations troops) has yet to be fired (unless you include Waco, Ruby Ridge, Oklahoma
City and numerous other raids on the American people).
Whatever happened to the bravado and will of the American people? We better summon the
courage to face ourselves and wake up to reality. Perhaps it'll take a major crisis for that to occur
(hopefully not a civil war, famine, plague or a Y2K designed economic collapse). "If we keep going
in the same direction, we're likely to end up where we're headed." Prevention is the best medicine.
Educated action is the cure for apathy and indifference.

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Excerpted from the © Global Sovereign's Handbook by Johnny Liberty
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Shorter Road to a Better Future...
Global Sovereign Handbook by Johnny Liberty
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